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Become a

To apply to become a Client-Member: 


The Vancouver Friends for Life Society requires two completed forms: one from you and one from your referring health-care practitioner. Once both forms are submitted, VFFLS will review your application and determine whether you qualify as a client-member.


  • Someone who has been diagnosed with HIV, hepatitis C, cancer,  or, in some cases, other life-challenging disease.

  • Someone who continues to consult a health-provider, such as a physician, specialist, general practitioner, or social worker. 

  • Someone who has completed the client-member form, and whose health care provider has also completed the appropriate form. 

  • Someone who agrees to abide by the terms of being a client-member. These are not onerous, but they are important to maintaining a welcoming home. See the form for details.


We believe wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. This is why we ask our client-members: 

  • To take an active and supporting role in your health care and maintenance.

  • To be empowered with a selection of complementary wellness practices and a community of sharing and participation.

  • To attain your personal wellness aspirations through physical, spiritual, social and personal support.

  • To be proactively engaged in your wellbeing as you look forward to a future of wellness.


Booking is completed through Jane, our online booking system. Authorized client-members can book appointments with their unique username and password.  Appointment confirmation and reminder emails are sent to client-members’ email address and cell phone.

Booking Policy.

The Vancouver Friends for Life Society operates a strict appointment limit policy, for the benefit of all our client-members. 

  1. You can book up to two sessions with any one practitioner in a four-week period.

  2. You may book up to three massage sessions in a four-week period.

  3. You can hold up to a sessions in total for all practitioners in a four-week period.

  4. When you book sessions, confirmation emails are sent to the practitioners. You are expected to attend the sessions you book, and you are also expected to be on time.

  5. If you are a ‘no show’ for two sessions in a four-week period, your future sessions will be cancelled and you will be unable to book appointments for 30 days. If you are a ‘no-show again, your membership with VFFLS may be revoked.

  6. If cancellation is unavoidable, you must send an email to at least 24 hours in advance. Under most circumstances, failing to cancel an appointment within the recommended time prior to your session will be considered a ‘no show’.

  7. When booking appointments, you accept these terms.

Client - Member Form
What life-altering illness do you live with?
Thinking of your personal wellness aspirations, what is your motivation(s) for being a member at VFFLS?
What are your wellness aspirations?
What types of wellness practices most interest you?

Thanks for submitting!

Healthcare Worker Form
What life-altering illness does your client/patient live with?
Thinking of personal wellness aspirations, in your opinion, how do you anticipate your client/patient benefitting from the programs available at VFFLS?
What complimentary wellness programs would you recommend for your client/patient?

By submitting this form, you acknowledge you are a licensed General Practitioner, Specialist, or Clinician in the Province of British Columbia, and certify that the aforementioned individual is living with a life-altering illness.

If you have any questions regarding this form or services provided by The Vancouver Friends for Life Society, please write to

The Vancouver Friends for Life Society
1459 Barclay St, Vancouver, BC V6G 1J6

Thanks for submitting!

Client Member Form
Healthcare Form
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